What We Believe

  The Bible

 We believe in the Bible is the Holy Word of God. It is divinely inspired and the supreme and final authority for faith and life.

(II Timothy 3:16, 17: 2 Corinthians 4:2)

 One God

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (II Corinthians 13:14)

We believe in God the Father Almighty, Creator of all things visible and invisible (Genesis 1:1; Acts 17:24-28; Hebrews 11:3) 

 Jesus Christ

We believe in Jesus Christ, God’s one and only Son, our one and only Savior

(John 1:14; 1 John 4:9; John 3:16; 2 Peter 3:18) 


Man was created in the image of God

We believe  man was created in the image of God: That he sinned and thereby incurred not only the physical death, but also spiritual death which is separation from God; and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word and deed. Man willfully with free will sinned against God and is consequently lost and without hope apart from Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:12) 



We believe that salvation only comes through Jesus Christ. (John 14:6; Acts 4:12)

We believe the Bible teaches that salvation—the forgiveness of sins—is only by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ

(Matthew 26:28; Romans 5:9; Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 John 1:7)

We believe the Bible teaches that one receives God’s grace by putting faith in Christ, repenting of sin, confessing Christ and being baptized by immersion into Christ (Romans 5:1-2; Luke 24:45-47; Acts 3:19; 17:30; 2 Peter 3:9; Matthew 10:32; Romans 10:9; Philippians 2:11; 1 John 4:15;

Acts 2:38, Romans 6:1-7; Galatians 3:27; Colossians 2:12; 1 Peter 3:21)

We believe that all who receive by faith the Lord Jesus Christ are born of the Holy Spirit and thereby become children of God, a relationship from which no one may be removed. (Acts 16:31; Romans 8:38-39; Hebrews 13:5)

 The resurrection

We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and His present life for us as

High Priest and Advocate. (I Corinthians 15:4; Acts 1:9-11; I John 2:1-2; Hebrews 4:14-15)

 The "second coming" 

We believe in the “second coming”; the personal return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

(I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 24:29-31)

 The bodily resurrection

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust: the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost. (I Thessalonians 4:16-17; Revelation 20:11-15) 


 The church

We believe in the Church of Jesus Christ, founded on the Day of Pentecost and consisting of all Christians everywhere.

(Matthew 16:13-18; Acts 2:14-47)

 Elder leadership

We believe the Bible teaches that the Elders are to exercise authority over the local congregation

(Acts 20:28; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9; 1 Peter 5:1-4)